They Put A Gun To Her Head And Asked To Deny Her God! What She Said Will Give You Chills!

Back in 1999, a horrifying incident took place at the Littleton, Colorado. Whereas, two senior students claim that they wanted to celebrate the life of their hero Adolf Hitler.

In line with that they had an idea to have a shootout at the Columbine High School where 12 students were murdered.

One of the victims was Rachel Joy Scott who was known to be a religious teenager who just wanted to show all the people that the world is good.

Rachel was outside the school lawn eating lunch with her friend Richard Castaldo when the suspect Eric David Harris went to her and was asking her to deny her God.

But Rachel was determined to put all the things that were happening to her faith. She claims that she is not ashamed that she believes in God.

Her death became a loss for everyone. The car that she left on the parking lot became a monument and all the people that loves her written on her coffin as a last message for her.

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