Infant miraculously survives after being decapitated after car crash

Jaxon Taylor, a lucky Australian toddler, is recovering post-surgery following a near-fatal car crash that caused his head to detach from his spine. The surgery to reattach Taylor’s head to his spine is being hailed as a medical miracle across the world.

16-month-old Jaxon Taylor could have died after the smash. He was involved in a car crash with his mother and sister when their car collided head-on with another vehicle at 70mph. While an airbag saved the mother, and the sister – aged nine – suffered abdominal injuries, Jaxon came out with an internal decapitation: his head and neck were pulled apart from the spinal column.

The child was airlifted from the site of the crash to a hospital in Brisbane, where doctors performed a six-hour surgery. Wire was used to reattached Jaxon’s vertebrae, with a halo device being attached to his skull to ensure that he was kept completely still during the procedure. Surgeons then used a piece of Jaxon’s rib to graft together the two vertebrae.

The delicate surgery was performed by Dr. Geoff Askin, known popularly as the “godfather of spinal surgery” in Australia, because of previous pioneering work in the field.

Little Taylor is recovering following the incredible operation, doctors said. He will wear a “halo” over his head for eight weeks to help the tissues and nerves connecting his head to his spine to heal.

Doctors said they expect Jaxon to resume normal and healthy life after the “halo” is removed.

AOL reports that doctors had despaired of saving Jaxon’s life.

“A lot of children wouldn’t survive that injury in the first place, and if they did and they were resuscitated then they may never move or breathe again,” Askin said.

Jaxon’s grateful mother, Rylea, said, “It was a miracle.”

“We’re very, very thankful,” Jaxon’s father said.

Watch the video of the full report below.

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