Man proposes to his girlfriend using lychee

We all have seen romantic and unique ways of marriage proposal. Some has set the bar so high that it’s difficult for some men to pull it off. However, for this 24-year-old man from Xi’an, China, he has taken his marriage proposal to a whole new level that can’t (and won’t) be matched by any of us.

The 24-year-old from Xi'an in China, surnamed Dong, proposed to his girlfriend by making two hearts and an arrow out of lychees, her favorite fruit. He squatted down in the middle of the footbridge and painstakingly laid out the small fruits to form the shape of two hearts pierced by Cupid’s arrow and the word “Love.”

When his 23-year-old partner arrived, according to a Chinese news site, he got down on his knee and said: ‘My dearest, I don’t have a house, a car or lot of money, but I have true love for you. I can use it to provide you with happiness. Will you marry me?’

But his girlfriend was not impressed, and after picking up one of the fruit to eat soon fled the scene.

Dong told reporters that he and his girlfriend have been together for three years. He graduated from university and now works in a company. She loves eating lychee, so he decided to prepare an elaborate lychee-themed proposal to woo her.

He later told journalists she had declined his offer of marriage, because she claimed that they were too young to tie the knot.

‘My heart is bitter but I will get her back. We are meant to be together,’ he added.

Perhaps, he just needs to try a little harder next time.

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