Watch: Dog covers a sleeping baby with a blanket and looks too adorable!

We all know that dogs are considered to be man's best friend.

Dogs make fantastic companions for babies. They’re loyal, patient, protective, and most importantly very loving. If you want proof take a look at this absolutely heart melting video.

In the video you see Champ the yellow Labrador using his nose to cover up his baby friend with a comfy blanket while he was sleeping.

The baby sleeps through the video as Champ manages to cover him without disturbing him too much.

After the baby feels warm and cozy, the dog went to a corner and stretched. He seems ready to take a nap too.

We love how most dogs go immediately into protective mode from the moment the newborns come home from the hospital. This cute video shows that they can also make babies very comfy when they want to.

This video is just one more example in a pile of many that any dog can become a nanny dog with proper training, supervision, and love. When you invite an animal into your home they really do become a part of your family. We can only imagine all the fun this precious pair will have once this little one grows up! 

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